Monday, February 2, 2015

The year I lost my mind.

After mass one winter morning, I found my hand gripping a pen and forming the letters to enter our church’s annual 5k.  As I did so, my mind spoke the words I had so often said in the past. 

“I’m not a runner.” 
“I only run when chased.”
“Better you than me.”

Although I still believed every word, I signed up with a friend who was very much a runner.  I was very much not.

Without much time to prepare, 3.1 miles loomed large and seemed just so … far. 
But I made a deal with myself; I was going to try it out to see what this running thing was all about.  I had run a 5k in the past, was on the track team for a time in high school, but I was still not a runner.  At all.

February 25, 2014.  I put on what ever I could find that was warm – leggings and a fleece left over from my post-babies-but-pre-active-children-I-must-play-tennis-because-I-live-in-Atlanta years on the court, some running shoes I picked up at Nordstrom Rack, a hat, and off I went.  It was 35 degrees.  And raining sideways.  I pulled into the park and resolved to go.  And I went.  It was not pretty.  I walked more than I ran. It hurt.  My lungs hurt.  My legs were on fire.  I was wet and cold.

But that day, I began to see a little of what the “hype” was all about.  Something about moving myself from point A to B under only the power of my own two feet was empowering.  I wanted to see if I could do better the next time.  Two days later, I went out again and went a little farther, a little faster, and walked a little less.  In March, I took that 5k by storm.  It was a very, very slow personal best (all first races are PRs!), and I was just proud that I got across the finish line.  Every muscle in my body hurt.
Ironically enough, I found out later that I placed in my age group.  The beauty of a small race!

I overcame something in that short amount of time… something changed in me.  I found myself signing up for another race in April… then another… then another…. And then I did something I was sure I would live to regret… I signed up for a half marathon.  I progressed through the training for that race and became quickly sidetracked by shiny road bikes and the idea of triathlon.  I bought my road bike in June, ran my first 13.1 mile race on July 4th and hopped on my bike for the first time on July 6th.  Love at first sight.  Er.  Spin.

And the rest, as they say, is history. 

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