Friday, January 30, 2015

Who am I?

If that isn't a loaded question, I'm not sure what is.

If you asked me a year ago, I would have responded with something along the lines of: I'm a wife, mother, closed captioner for the hearing impaired, volunteer extraordinaire, sister, friend, daughter...

If you were to ask me today, I would still tell you I am all of those things, but now I can also add: runner, swimmer, cyclist, triathlete, expert on knee issues, run data geek, and other descriptions to that list.

In the last year, I found myself running, swimming, biking, training for races, making new friends, and finding a new side to old friendships.  

Mostly, though, I just found myself.  I have learned more about who I am and who I want to be on the run (or in the saddle, or in the pool).  I am tough.  I am weak.  I am strong and yet strive to be ever stronger.  

This is my journey.  I document it mostly for myself as a way to look back on this year as I work toward the goal of the 70.3 Half Ironman distance triathlon in Augusta in September of this year.  Feel free to come along for the ride.